Laughed at when he announced the discovery of the elixer of life, a scientist Professor Expedito Vitus devotes himself to the reconstitution of a map which has been divided into eight parts. The owners of these parts are being mysteriously murdered. Thanks to this map, he ends up making the most important archaeological discovery of the century: the tomb of Runamb, the Mummy, in the sands of Egypt. Back in Brasil, the professor brings the Mummy back to life, who was actually a dangerous psychopathic murderer obsessed with the image of Nadja, the dancer who had turned him down.
For thousands of years, only religion has offered an answer to what happens after death. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist...
青年柳夢梅偶遇少女杜麗娘, 互相傾慕, 更在夢中相遇. 惟彼此不知對方姓名和住處, 往後兩人掛念對方, 還決心以對方為終身對象. 梅老父希望他成家立室, 但梅不從, 更離家尋娘芳蹤. 娘遭父迫嫁有財有勢的表兄, 鬱鬱而終.
Due to our increased reliance on technology over the past 65 years, this film acknowledges that procedure is important, but focuses on the procedure of human thought rather than completely pre-planned execution. One of my main tenets in this film was"do what you feel like" - sometimes I'd go in a different direction, throw out what was done previously, all based on my emotional response to my most current iteration. When I needed something more, I searched and created until I found/made what I needed.