马术骑手弗蕾德丽克Frédérique(瓦莱丽·勒梅西耶饰)是个私生女,她的的母亲刚去世,给她留下了育马场。她从未见过她的父亲,甚至不知道他的名字,但她凭一张旧照片找到了他。为了接触到她久违的父亲,她去了巴黎,她找到她的男同志朋友马克Marc(迪迪埃·布朗加特饰)。马克和他的朋友决定去他们最喜爱的同性恋酒吧,但那里只接待男人。因此他们把她装扮成男人。由于她的父亲皮埃尔Pierre(克洛德·里什饰)也是个同性恋,和一个年轻的肛痔科医生弗朗西斯Francis(迪厄多内饰)生活在一起,她始终无法吸引到父亲的注意,于是她将计就计,女扮男装,假扮成是他的娘娘腔儿子弗雷德里克Frédéric ......
Tamodeep is brilliant, sensitive and eternally perturbed by his grandfather's prophecy that he would either be an artist or run away from home. A junior doctor by profession, Tamodeep has little communication with his near and dear ones, even lesser with his mother Sraboni, against whom he nurses a grudge for intruding into his life during his adolescent years. Quiet and introvert on the surface, Tamodeep is quite restless within. His desires often take complex routes and hover around Meghna, his former biology teacher and now a psychological counselor on radio, Mohini, the sex siren of soft porn movies and Sriparna, a law student whom he befriends on a cyber social networking site. The night before his 23rd birthday, Mohini, gets admitted in his nursing home as a accident victim and Tamodeep's life is destined to change forever.. In his desperate attempt to prevent Mohini from going out of his life...
《2018 我独自生活》共48期,总期数为EP.227(2018年1月5日) ~ EP.274(2018年12月28日)