花垣武道是个生活潦倒的打工仔,有天,他得知国中时交往的唯一一个女友橘日向,遭罪凶恶的恶党组织“东京卍会”杀害。 得知事件的隔天,花垣武道在车站被某个人推落月台,就...
麦克(瑞凡•菲尼克斯)和斯考特(基努•里维斯)同为沦落街头的男妓,然而因为相差巨大的家庭背景,“同为天涯沦落人”的他们并非表面般“心照不宣”。 时常昏厥的麦克脑海中一直充满着有关童年的破碎片段,爱达荷的诗意田园也常常入他梦境,他一心想找回失散多年的母亲,将斯考特视为知己和爱人。斯考特本是波特兰市长...
A secluded sex resort serves as the setting for this blood-soaked tale of mayhem in which the only form of"safe sex" is no sex at all. The Pleasure Mountain Adult Retreat is the place where randy adults go when they're looking to get a little frisky in nature. According to local legend, however, the spirit of serial rapist and murderer Felix Gallo still wanders this retreat in search of living victims. Forty years ago, Gallo hung himself at an abandoned campground deep in the woods, and his soul has been restless ever since. Now, as eager swingers flock to Pleasure Mountain and business begins to boom, it doesn't take long for sex to take precedence over urban legends and any mention of Gallo is quickly brushed aside in favor of sweaty, rustic lust. When the guests start to turn up in tiny little pieces, rumors begin to swirl that Gallo's spirit has been disturbed by the renewed sexual energy at Pleasure Mountain. But has the suicidal sex killer really returned from his grave to exact his sordid revenge, or could it be that a flesh and blood killer is simply using the urban legend as a supernatural cover for his own reprehensible crimes? ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide