The kappa, in Japanese folklore, are water goblins that are closely associated with a certain town in the country. Unfortunately, the area is also home to a militant splinter group of researchers dedicated to developing amphibious super soldiers based on the kappa of legends. When their experiments result in murders by some escapees, the appearance of an actual kappa, and the triggering of an atomic bomb, the consequences are of epic proportions. A monster arrives in the midst of the nuclear fallout, and Japan's defenses are helpless against it. Mankind's only savior is an irradiated water goblin that is on the rampage with death in its eyes.
For 25-year-old Sebastian it is all about surface and appearance. Life is full of party, money and one-night stands. He has never challenged himself, whether it be his dream of a music career or maybe, especially true love. When everything is at its best in his superficial life he has an accident that leads to him becoming blind. A whole world closes, or rather opens up. When he sees everything in black, he meets Mia, a personal assistant. A girl he normally would not pay any attention to. She becomes the first to successfully open his eyes to what is important in life. But when Sebastian discovers that Mia is not who he expected superficiality gets an entirely different meaning. EGO is a romantic comedy drama about vanity, love, sex, and that things are not always as they seems.
一對夫婦買下牧場鄰邊木屋,正當他們要搬進新屋之際,一場戲劇化的恐怖攻擊改寫了他們的命運。地獄來的怪客強佔了他們的小屋,阻斷食物供給,徹底將他們與文明隔離,過著野蠻人般生不如死的生活。女主人喪失心智出賣靈魂,而屋主也幾近崩潰極限,他們如何死裡求生? 一對夫婦買下牧場鄰邊木屋,正當他們要搬進新屋之際,...