公元17世纪中叶,法国宫廷改朝换代,年轻俊朗的路易十四(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)继位,却是个荒淫无道、暴虐成性的君主。举国上下怨声载道,暴乱不断,路易却从未有半点反省与收敛。此时此刻,曾经风光一时的三剑客们尘埃落定,可是路易设计害死了阿多斯(约翰·马尔科维奇 J...
该剧讲述了隐姓埋名的前朝皇子清采(官鸿 饰)为探寻失踪养父下落,不得已男扮女装混入全是女子的明夷山庄,邂逅了同来寻仇的墨门女侠甘蒲(郑合惠子 饰)。在经历了一系列囧态百出的试训弟子生活后,两人从不打不
眼看着雨停了, 张采萱按捺不住, 收拾了篮子和秦肃凛一起上山去了。
Larry O'Brien is forcibly evicted from a Central American country and is trying to decide where to go next when he sees Diane Forsythe riding past in a chauffeur-driven car. He follows her and learns she is the stepdaughter of finance minister Areal Pacheco and is about to marry the wealthy and much older Clive Latimer. Larry tries to dissuade Diane from the marriage. Larry suspects that Pacheco has been borrowing money from the country's funds and that Latimer has promised him the money in return for Diane's hand. A visit to Pacheco confirms Larry's suspicions. Determined to keep Diane away from Larry, Pacheco and Latimer arrange to have her kidnapped until the marriage can take place. Larry learns of the plans and, disguising himself as one of the kidnappers, spirits Diane away to the house of his friend, Archie Lester. Disguising his voice, he demands ransom money from Pacheco equaling the amount that Pacheco owes to the national coffers, and then pressures Latimer into providing the ransom. After he receives the money, Diane returns home. Larry gives Pacheco the money in exchange for Diane, leaving Latimer and Pacheco to quarrel about who is really entitled to the money
奥拉夫·古恩南德森(凯斯·乔丹 Keith Jordan 饰)和奈森·斯坦福(埃德莫·鲁基罗 Adamo Ruggiero 饰)是大学室友,相貌俊美的他们还有另一层鲜为人知的关系,那就是他们还是一对同性恋人。一年一度的圣诞假期来临,他们也要暂时作别,回到各自的家中和亲人团聚。
Since this is the very first user-comment submitted for"Date for a Murder", I was really hoping to enlighten all you readers about another totally forgotten and fascinating Italian cult film from the late 60's! Sadly, it didn't turn out to be the undiscovered gem that I was desiring to see (with the recent popularity towards for Italian cinema, I assume all the greatest films have already been identified), yet it's nonetheless an interesting crime/thriller with some raw action sequences and a fairly compelling plot. Two American friends coincidentally meet each other in the Italian countryside and agree to get back together again a couple of days later in Rome, after they both settled some private affairs. When one of them doesn't show up, the other one gets concerned and fears that something suspicious happened. He investigates the case himself and it doesn't take long before he's entangled in a network of industrial espionage, blackmail and even cold-blooded murder. The story, especially towards the finale, is rather predictable and the obligatory love-story is completely pointless. The heroic duo (the American and a local police commissioner) are likable characters and all the villains look effectively menacing, most notably the creepy guy in motorized wheelchair! To finish up, the film contains several beautiful images of Rome, the soundtrack is exciting and the action scenes (on rooftops, on remote highways, in dark alleys, ...) are well choreographed."Date for a Murder" was written by Fernando Di Leo – who's really an expert in the genre – but perhaps it also needed a famous and experienced director to make it more memorable.