Angrej is simple man belong to some village of undivided Punjab he fall in love with maarho who is bit clever and greedy and she preferred hakaam who is more rich and talkative .When angrej tries to impress her with help of Dhan Kaur things shape up in different way he did not expect.
香里奈(1984年2月21日-),本名能濑香里奈(のせ かりな),是出身于日本爱知县名古屋市的模特儿、女性演员。主妇之友社女性杂志《Ray》专属模特儿。香里奈为能濑三姊妹的三女,年幼时学习电子琴和芭蕾舞,香里奈2001年时借凭《不平则鸣》中的小原春奈这个角色而正式成为开始朝向戏剧圈发展。2004年香里奈因为在《深呼吸的必要》、《海猿》、《天国书屋之恋火》中的出色演出而备受瞩目,2008年由香里奈首次担当主演的电视剧《我最喜欢你》更让她获得了“最佳女优” 奖,成为...
Maravan, a charming young immigrant from Sri Lanka works in Zurich as a sous-chef, but dreams of opening his own restaurant where traditional Indian kitchen, as his grandmother taught it to him, crosses over with avant-garde"molecular kitchen". Turns out his creations are highly aphrodisiatic, so much so that when he casually invites his colleague Andrea (Jessica Schwarz) over she ends up seducing him, even though he's pretty conservative and believes in arranged marriage and she's actually a lesbian. While the two are getting their business started, Maravan's cousin returns to his homeland and is recruited by the underground army Tamil Tigers. Marvan tries to bail him out, but also discovers that one of his clients, the superseedy Dalmann, is actually an arms dealer -- to the Tamil Tigers! Oh, and he's also sleeping with the girlfriend of Andrea, who's a lesbian and a prostitute (for men). At the same time, Maravan's nan is ill and has to come to Zurich for treatment, and the toothsome Sandana, with whom he was arranged to be married but who gave him the cold shoulder, seems not averse to rekindling the flame ...
丹尼尔·卡卢亚(《逃出绝命镇》《黑豹》)将主演环球新片《皇后与瘦子》(Queen & Slim),已定档2019年11月27日北美上映,明年1月开拍。该片是一部复杂的剧情片,讲述一对黑人男女“皇后”和...